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International Commission Urges Obama to Liberate the Three Cuban Anti-Terrorists Still Imprisoned in the United States

Автор: narokko83 от 17-03-2014, 22:16
International Commission Urges Obama to Liberate the Three Cuban Anti-Terrorists Still Imprisoned in the United States


London, Mar. 12 – An international Commission that investigated in London the case of The Five urged U.S. President Barack Obama to release “immediately and unconditionally” the three Cuban anti-terrorists who still remain in high security prisons in the United States.

In their preliminary conclusions, the signatories underlined that, according to the evidences collected, “no one of these persons either committed or intended to commit any act of violence”, nor did they attempt against the national security of the United States or at matters concerning its government.

According to their research, the activities of The Five were aimed only at obtaining information on the actions that terrorist groups established in the United States carried out to commit criminal acts against Cuba with the ultimate purpose of overthrowing that country’s legitimate government.

“None of these persons acted out of malice or any kind of ill-will towards the United States or its government, people, or policies”, underline the signatories, who also stressed that no aggression against Cuba from that country may be justified.

Since 1959, nearly 3,500 Cubans have died and more than 2,000 have been injured as a consequence of terrorist attacks and aggressions coming mainly from Miami.

The Commission was made up by important world personalities and met last week-end in London to investigate the case of The Five as part of the international campaign to obtain the release of Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino and Antonio Guerrero.

René and Fernando González, who were part of the group, are already in Cuba after serving completely their terms of 13 and 15 years of prison, respectively. Hernández is serving two life sentences and 15 years, Labañino a 30-year term and Guerrero a 22-year one.

The document stresses serious concerns about the granting of the fundamental human rights to the Five Heroes, as universally recognized, when they were deprived of a fair trial before an independent and impartial tribunal, when judged in 2001.

The document then lists the main violations that, according to the Commission, were committed during the process, including the fact of having celebrated the trial in the city of Miami, where the Atlanta Court of Appeals itself admitted that the slightest guarantees did not exist.

It likewise quotes, among the irregularities, the well-documented denounces that the government of the United States paid high sums of money to a group of local journalists to create a hostile atmosphere and influence the members of the jury against the defendants.

On the other hand, the document highlights that the normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States is a “laudable and achievable” goal in the interest of both peoples, and that the liberation by Obama of the three Cuban anti-terrorists still in prison would be an important contribution to the achievement of that goal.

With that act, (president Obama) could end the unfair imprisonment of the three Cuban anti-terrorists, and would additionally contribute to world peace and justice, the signatories underlined.

The preliminary conclusions of the Commission of Inquiry that met for two days at the Lawyers’ Guild of London were signed by Philippe Texier, former Judge of the Court of Cassations of France; Zakeria Mohammed Yacoob, former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa; and Yogesh Kumar Sabharwal, former Chief Justice of India.

Sara Chandler, Professor and President of the Human Rights Commission of the Federation of European Bar Associations, and Elisabeth Woodcraft, lawyer (England), also signed as Coordinators.

The Commission acted as part of the event “Voices for the Five”, sponsored by the British group of solidarity with Cuba “Rock around the Blockade”. The actions included rallies in support in London and other cities of that country.

Organizations of solidarity with Cuba and in favor of the freedom of the Five from several countries throughout the world participated in the coordination of the event.

Cuba was represented, among others, by Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, former president of the Cuban Parliament; Kenia Serrano, president of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP); as well as by relatives of the Cuban anti-terrorists and of victims of terrorism.

René González, whose participation was foreseen as one of the main witnesses of the Commission, could not attend because the British government denied him a visa. His testimonies, however, were transmitted via Skype.


50 Aniversario de la Cujae. Inaugurada por Fidel el 2 de diciembre de 1964

1.- La liberación de los CINCO no se va a lograr solo por los mecanismos legales del sistema judicial de los EUA. Este es un proceso político que requiere de la solidaridad mundial y fundamentalmente la del pueblo de los EUA.
2.- Para lograr esta solidaridad mundial es necesario que se conozca la verdad de este caso y las características personales de estos CINCO HOMBRES y sus familiares.
3.- Las Universidades poseen un potencial inestimable para desarrollar esta divulgación debido a las características progresistas y revolucionarias de este sector
4.- Es importante el ejemplo de estos CINCO Héroes, como parte de nuestro pueblo, en la formación de valores de nuestros estudiantes y trabajadores y la necesidad de hacer de su historia el modo de actuación de las futuras generaciones.
5.- La necesidad de destacar el lado humano del caso, la injusticia que se comete contra ellos y sus familias cuyos miembros son hombres y mujeres del pueblo.
6.- Y por último la necesidad de hacerles llegar a sus prisiones todo lo que realiza su pueblo en la lucha por su liberación. Que ellos sepan que están presentes en cada minuto de la vida de los cubanos y de muchas personas honestas del mundo.

"Cada día que los CINCO pasen en prisión es una nueva afrenta a todas las personas honestas que luchan por un mundo mejor"

La Solidaridad del mundo nos asegura que los CINCO Héroes